This week's topic: Spreadsheets. More importantly, how do we use them with our students? For me, this actually isn't too bad, as I've used spreadsheets quite a bit throughout the last few years with my class. To be honest, I've mainly used them with my class to help design bar graphs and line graphs and the sort. I guess I need to figure out where to use them next. So, without further ado, here are some ideas that I have. Feel free to add what I forgot...
Uses for Spreadsheets
- Statistics
- Conversion charts
- Organization of notes
- Making a table, graph, or chart
- Magic Square (I stole that from class...)
After that, I'm stuck. To be honest, I miss the database. I'd like to figure out how to use the Spreadsheet like a Database, but it's been awhile.
Well, that's it for now. My ideas are spread thin (he he he), so I'll see what all of you can add...
I think spreadsheets are great for "what if" questions - so assignments that fit this role...any what if ideas?
I think that in Science, there are a ton of "what if" possibilities. For example, what if you were going to be living on another planet? What supplies would be needed in order to survive? Students could list the ideas, and then rank and re-organize ideas due to importance. That's just an idea. I'm interested in your concept of "what if" projects, though...
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