Tuesday, December 9, 2008


This week's agenda: Look at some videos online about incorporating technology with the classroom. After 3 days of pain-inducing discomfort of trying to get Real Player to work, I was finally able to pull a video or two to watch and observe. Once I was actually was able to watch it, I was able to pull some decent ideas from it. I watched a high school video (might as well see what my kids are expected to know in a few years...) and felt comfortable about what I'm doing. The idea that I pulled was incorporating technology as a tool to make projects. In this case, they were making a museum of information about the ocean. I would've liked to see more creative examples of what the kids were doing, but then again, who knows what I'd do with a camera on me.

Anyway, could this be a good tool? Sure, if you have staff interested in learning from it. My problem is that I still have staff that don't want to use the computer for minimal usage; I don't exactly see motivation to observe ideas online taking flight. Doesn't mean I'll give up, but I can foresee some resistance down the road...

Anyone else out there used InTime? How'd it work for you?

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