Monday, September 7, 2009

Statistics Continued...

This week in class we continued on with statistics, and I felt a little more comfortable with it this week. Of course, we went over topics that I get to teach in 2-3 weeks, so I was a bit comfortable with it. However, we went a little more into detail with using Microsoft Excel to do stats, and that made life a LOT easier for me. I do a lot of statistics for sports, so some of the shortcuts that I learned are going to make the statistics I create much easier to create. I can save a ton of time doing stats like slugging percentage and batting average (NERD ALERT!!!) by copying formulas instead of creating them for each individual kid!

On a side note, I think that I'll get to look at standard deviations in terms of my own research, and I'm able to do it the old-fashioned way as well as the shortcut. Nice, huh? I'm still not entirely sure about the significance of standard deviation, but I think that's just a matter of time. Overall, this week was a little easier than last week. Hopefully, that trend continues....

Well, that's all for this week. Please leave any comments, concerns, or questions, and I'll talk to you later...

1 comment:

Jim said...


Glad you picked up a useful tip or two in Excel. It's interesting that your most frequent use for Excel is sports stats. It's a great tool for that.

The Difference Between 3 and 33