Monday, January 18, 2010

The Website

For this last week of HTML, we were to design our own website. For me, this was stress-free. I've been toying around with this for the last year, and I currently finished up a series of websites for my students to use as portfolios.

As a result, I could've been casual about it, and just submitted something that I've done. However, I decided to add onto the existing site that I currently run, and the final project was creating a subpage in which my students could access information to a debate that they will be producing for me in the next few weeks. Setting it up isn't bad---my recommendation, though, is to really plan out what you want to do before you set out to do it. I had to draw out what I wanted to do before actually sitting down to design it.

Is this something to do with the students? Definitely. I think that I'd like them to design their own and get an actual "real-world" activity to participate in. So, yes, this is definitely something worthwhile to do.

Well, that sums it up for now. By all means, leave any comments, questions, or concerns if you have them.

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